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Every nation becomes special by means of its own traditions and customs(каждая нация становится особенной ее собственным традициям и обычаям)they are really proud of their traditions, they cherish them(  они горды своими традициями и бережно их хранят)politeness and punctuality are typical features of all british people. they often say “sorry”, “please” and “thank you” with a smiling face and they always try to arrive on time(вежливость и пунктуальность – типичные черты всех британцев. они часто говорят «простите», «» и «» с улыбкой на лице и всегда стараются приходить вовремя.)valentine’s day( день святого валентина)easter(пасха   )  всё на скорою руку. сильно не суди!

It often rains in the uk.in some places it rains more often.in   glasgow it rains almost every day.in   colchester it doesn't rain often.it's april in london.the trees are in blossom,there are flowers everywhere .there are a lot of visition in the tower of london.the ravens  are hiding.it's going to rain.it is raining now.the visitors are opening their umbrellass.the   wind is blowing.now the rain is over.the sun is shining.the birds are singing.

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