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Вставьте слова по смыслу из предложенных вариантов. слова: train, foot, top, mountain, snowdon, farmhouses, picturesque, beautiful, countryside, north, 58, station, welsh, england, excited. текст: well, here we are in wales. and what a lovely country it is! i was 1) when we crossed from into wales. you soon hear welsh being spoken, tou see 3) names on the sign-posts and you see them on the railway 4) . one of these words has 5) letters! you won't belive! i'd like to tell you of a trip we made yesterday in a car round some of 6) wales. we went through lovely 7) , with great mountains, some of them 8) and green and wooden, others bare and wild. there were 9) valleys with little 10) or cottages. we went up 11) , the highest 12) in england and wales. it is dark and wild-looking. we actually went right to the 13) of snowdon in a train. it happened like this. we had just gone through the town of llanberis at the 14) of the mountain, and there was a little station and it was a little 15) , just like toy trains that my young brother has at home. so we got in thr toy train held about fifteen people and with a lot of smoke moved up the mountain.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) excited 2) england 3) welsh 4) station 5) 58 6) north 7) countryside 8) picturesque 9) beautiful 10) farmhouses 11) snowdon 12) mountain 13) foot 14) top 15) train

1)ты плохо выглядишь. тебе следует обратиться к врачу

2) ты не веришь тому что написано в газетах

3) Приглашать нам твоих друзей на вечеринку?

4) Не общайся с этими людьми

5) Я думаю что ему следует поговорить с ней

6) она усердно работает, она добьется успеха

7) тебе не следует ездить один ночью

8) ещё раз поговори с ним

9) она должна выиграть главный приз, она была лучшей

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