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Раскройте скобки и выберите правильный вариант 1. his mother likes to look at her children (playing, played) together 2. the boys (swimming, swum) in the sea laughed loudly 3. kate wrote us the story (telling, told) by her friend 4. most people (living, lived) in scotland are called scots 5. yesterday we were talking the (falling, fallen) leaves away 6. parts of hadrian's wall ( building, built) in ancient times can still be soon. 7. the bird (singing, sung) in the tree isn't a parrot 8. the article (writing, written) yesterday should be translated immediately 9. mr. brown, a (visiting, visited) professor from oxford university, arrived yesterday. 10. read the names of the cities (showing, shown) on the map, please. с причастием (the participle)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.played 2.swimming 3.told 4.lived 5.falling 6.built 7.singing 8.written 9.visiting 10.showin

ответ:а что надо делать объясни я потом в комментариях отвечу


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