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Провірте твір по . на тему - my future profession проверте сочинение на тему - my future profession what i would like to become? this question puzzles me greatly. every job has its difficulties and challenges. i think that nearly all the professions are very important in life. but to choose the right occupation is very difficult, because we must take in to consideration many factors. we must consider our personal taste and our kind of mind. the end of school is the beginning of an independent life, the beginning of a more serious examination. in order to pass that very serious exam we must choose the road in life which will help us best to live and work. each boy and girl has every opportunity to develop his or her mind and use knowledge and education received at school. some may prefer to work in factories or works, others want to go into construction: to take part in building power stations and new towns. many opportunities to work and to satisfy at the same time the requirements of the society and your own personal interest are offered in the sfere of the services transport, communications and many others. i really like the profession of programmist. i like this profession because it very interesting.

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what i would like to become? this question puzzles me greatly. every job has its difficulties and challenges. i think that nearly all the professions are very important in life. but to choose the right occupation is very difficult, because we must take in to consideration many factors. we must consider our personal taste and our kind of mind. the end of school is the beginning of an independent life, the beginning of a more serious examination. in order to pass that very serious exam we must choose the road in life which will help us best to live and work. each boy and girl has every opportunity to develop his or her mind and use knowledge and education received at school. some may prefer to work in factories or works, others want to go into construction: to take part in building power stations and new towns. many opportunities to work and to satisfy at the same time the requirements of the society and your own personal interest are offered in the sphere of the services transport, communications and many others. i really like the profession of programmist. i like this profession because it very interesting. весь текст правильный только одна ошибка)) то ты всё равно молодец) енсли чтото не понятно пиши в лс

1. i won't be 2. he'll be 3. will you be 4. we'll be playing 5. you won't be listening you'll be studying. 6. she'll be skiing this time next week. 7. what will you be i'll be swimming in the pool. 1. the classroom was empty. everyone had left. 2. had he learned english before he went to england? yes, he had. 3. he hadn't studied german before he went to university. the plate was empty. we had eaten it all. when i arrived at the party tom had already left. george didn't go to the cinema with us as he had already seen the film twice. they weren't hungry. they had already had lunch. he bought s new car after he had moved to moscow. she had discussed all the details with the customers before we arrived. susan had written the letter before the dinner started.

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