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Яничего не понимаю вообще.объясните мне, лупой какой правильный вариант ответа? нет,не объясняйте, просто букву скажите 1)he went to school yesterday, a) didn't he? b)did he? c)doesn't he? d)wasn't he? 2)she will be happy to see her friend, a) shall she? b)will she? c) won't she? d)doesn't she? 3)everybody is satisfied with his work, a)isn't he? b) isn't she? c) are they? d)aren't they? 4)there are many pupils in the a)isn't it? b)aren't there? c)are they? d) aren't they? 5)read the text again, .. a)don't you? b)will you? c)won't you? d)should you? 6)don't touch the a)don't you? b)will you? c)doesn't you d)should you? 7) everything is ready for th a) isn't it? b)is there? c)is it? d)isn't there?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. he went to school yesterday, didn't he? 2. she will be happy to see her friend, won't she? 3. everybody is satisfied with his work, isn't he? 4. there are many pupils in the classroom, aren't there? 5. read the text again, don't you? 6. don't touch the wire, do you? 7. everything is ready to the competition, isn't it? , !

Old - older - the oldest young - yonger - the youngest kind - kinder - the kindest good - better - the best bad - worse - the worst

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