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Read the dialogue and compare the use of the past simple and the past perfect tenses. make up your dialogue. mary: why did you go home before the party had finished? john: i had forgotten to switch my tv-set off. mary: what had happened when you got home? john: my brother had switched it off for me. mary: then why didn’t you come back to the party? john: oh, i had left the tv on deliberately (намеренно) because i didn’t want to stay at the party.

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Past perfect: john: i had forgotten to switch my tv-set off.; mary: what had happened when you got home? ; john: my brother had switched it off for me. ; john: oh, i had left the tv on deliberately (намеренно).past simple: mary: why did you go home before the party had finished? ; mary: then why didn’t you come back to the party? ; because i didn’t want to stay at the party.

1. susan is  new to the school. 2. i am  14 years old. 3. they are  in room e 4.he is  my best friend. 5.you are  in grade 7.

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