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Нужно сочинение с .языка на тему "человек и окружающая среда"(людина і навколишнє середовище)не менее 15 предложений. нада

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We all love our native land,beautiful nature with its blue lakes and rivers,thick forests, with its animal and plant kingdom. we are children of nature and we must be very careful in usage of natural resources. people distract wildlife, cut down trees to make furniture. they forget that people can't live without trees and plants, because they fill air with oxygen. the main reason of pollution is rubbish. most our rubbish go to big holes in the ground.but dumps are very dangerous for our life cause they are full of rats. another way to get rid of rubbish is to burn it. but the fires make poisons which go into the air and pollute it. people must begin to realize that environment problems are not somebody else's.if government wake up to what is happening- perhaps we'll be able to avoid disaster that theatens the natural world and all of us with it.

Hi, sara. i am from russia. our environment is also polluted. air, water and soil are polluted. because of a large number of cars and emissions of the industrial enterprises in the atmosphere air becomes soiled. painfully to look at that, how many the garbage floats in reservoirs.  sara, how do you think, what can be done to stop people to pollute environment? how can we help our planet?

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