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Только не с переводчика,. перевести диалог,времени совсем нет( -проблема не в том что она плохо учится,а в том что ты стала учится хуже.- -мама ты никогда не понимала меня. для тебя мои друзья,мои цели,желания,моя одежда,все - я просто хочу чтобы ты была счастлива. просто скажи чего ты хочешь,какие у тебя цели? ты ведь не говорила об этом раньше- -я всегда любила рисовать. я хочу стать дизайнером,я хочу поступить в central saint martins в лондоне. это моя мечта. я мечтаю быть похожей на frida giannini,она прекрасный итальянский дизайнер и работает в gucci .- -это прекрасно,что у тебя есть мечта. я верю,что у тебя все получится. но ты должна понимать,что это сложно и ты должна много работать. я всегда поддержу тебя.

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Problem is not that she is studying bad, it's about that  you began studying worse. -mom, you have never understood me. for you my friends, my purposes, wishes, clothes, everything is bad. -i just want you to be happy. just tell me what you want, what kind of purposes you have? you have never told me about it. -i always loved painting. i want to be a designer, i want to come in in central saint martins in london. that is my dream. i want to be like a frida giannini, she is beautiful italian designer and she is working at gucci. -it is great that you have dream.i believe you can reach everything.but you have to understand that it is really hard and you really need to work a lot. i will always support you.

  the problem not that she badly studies, and that you became studies worse. - - mother you never understood me. for you my friends, my purposes, desires, my clothes, all - i just want that you were happy. just tell what you want what purposes at you? you didn't speak about it earlier - - i always liked to draw. i want to become a designer, i want to come to central saint martins in london. it is my dream. i dream to be similar to frida giannini, it the great italian designer also works in gucci.-it is fine that you have a dream. i believe that at you everything will turn out. but you have to understand that it is very difficult and you have to work much. i will always support you. вроде так, не до конца уверена в грамматике. а так должно быть правильно)

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