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Выберите правильный ответ.(букву) 1. он сможет начать работу завтра. a) не could begin his work: tomorrow. b) he is to begin his work tomorrow. c) he will be able to begin his work tomorrow. 2. ты не должен пропускать уроки. a) you needn't miss the lessons. b) you mustn't miss the lessons. c) you shouldn't miss the lessons. 3. если вы заметите что-либо необычное, вам следует позвонить в полицию. a) if you see anything unusual you must call the police. b) if you sее anything unusual you are to call the police. c) if you see anything unusual you should call the police.

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Ответы на вопрос:

4,7(43 оценок)

1) с 2)b 3)скорей всего b

1. When she (came) to the gym, her personal trainer (was) there.

2. She (was speaking) to the fitness coach, when I (arrived).

3. I (got) a very nice body, when I (started) working out.

5. I (have begun) to breathe easier. I (run) long distances every day.

6. When she (came) to the gym, she (saw) many weights and machines.

7. Arnold Schwartzenegger (had been) a bodybuilder before he (became) a politician.

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