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Vi. choose the proper question to the underlined word. 10. the street vendors offer the new-yorkers various junk food/ (a) who offers the new-yorkers different junk food? (b) what do the new-yorkers get from the street-vendors? (c) what kind of food do street vendors offer the new-yorkers? (d) who do the street vendors offer junk food to? vii. choose the proper qustion tag. 11. you are going to move to a new neighbourhood, (a) don't you? (b) are you? (c) aren't you? (d) do you? viii. choose the correct modal expression. 12. you (должны были) finish this work two weeks ago. (a) had to; (b) had to be; (c) nust be; (d) was to

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10. the street vendors offer the new-yorkers various junk food/(c) what kind of food do street vendors offer the new-yorkers? vii. choose the proper qustion tag. 11. you are going to move to a new neighbourhood, (c) aren't you? viii. choose the correct modal expression. 12. you (должны были) finish this work two weeks ago. (d) was to

2) he is likely to arrive soon. 3) this problem is hard to solve. 4) they are turned out to be good fighters. 5) he seems to create lovely poetry. 6) i happened to be there at that time. 7) he is said to have gone to london.

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