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Дайте краткие ответы на вопросы: do you in moscow? do you work? are you a worker? have you many friends? have you a good room? are there many new houses in the place where you live? do you live in a new house? are you old? are you young? do you study well? is there a lamp on your table? is there a river near your house?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1,2  yes,i do/no, i don`t 3 yes i am/no i am not (no i amn`t ответить нельзя) 4,5yes , i have /no, i haven`t тоже самое с are и do, а с there is/there are = yes, there is/there are или no,there isn`t/there aren`t

Yes i do moscow no i dont worker yes i have many friends yes i have a good room i am thirteen

He lived next door to his classmate john. - он жил по соседству с джоном. we ordered two pizzas from local pizzeria. - мы заказали две пиццы из местной пиццерии. my grandma's anniversary was celebrated for a week. - мы праздновали юбилей бабушки неделю. i could see a bonfire starting in his yard. - я увидел, что у него во дворе разгорелся костер. each year on this date we commemorate our veterans with a military parade. - каждый год в этот день мы чествуем ветеранов военным парадом.

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