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Перескажите диалог в косвенной речи, . m.: these letters must be looked through very carefully. n.: i hope you will not mind if i do it tomorrow morning. m.: i am afraid it must be done immediately. n.: there is not much time left, but a will do my best. m.: can you stay a little longer to go through them today? n.: all right.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Msaid that those letters had to be looked through very carefully. n said he hoped that m would not mind if he did it the next morning. m said that it had to be done immediately. n said that there was not much time left but he would do his best. m asked if n could stay a little longer to go through them that day. n agreed.

1. he doesn’t like swimming. 2. john is wearing his jeans today. 3. excuse me, i am sitting here. 4. tony works in a hotel. 5. they are swimming now. 6. mrs smith lives in scotland. 7. she doesn’t drive a car. 8. she doesn’t go shopping on fridays 9. what are they doing at the moment? 10. what time do you get up on sundays?

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