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Ответы на вопрос:

Hi, james it was very nice to hear from you. sorry for nor answering for so long - it was something i had to do with my relatives.  you know, i was always wondering about to meet another countries, such as australia or usa. all this wonders i can consider make me so dreamy that im close to hire a taxi and go the closest airport. but i actually  can't. and what is the reason for?   firstly, i have no opportunity to get out of my city until i will be eighteen. but in fact, it is not over. i can not imagine the way how i will get such money to buy a ticket to the foreign airport, to book a room in the hotel and finally to provide myself with everydays travel. it is very expensive on the daily basis. secondly, i have no rights to leave my side along - in law, my parents has to go with me. finally, im kind of fear to be alone in the unknown place. however, i am extremely dreaming about meeting usa - to get a  american flag for souvenir, to visit mount rashmore with its presidents landscape images. all of this is great, but now i have no chance to bring it to life. to be honest, i still have some todays doings, so i have to go. it is very nice to feed your back.  anthony

entering  telling   going   seeing  getting


Герундий — это неличная форма английского глагола с суффиксом -ing, соединяющая в себе черты существительного и глагола и несущая в себе оттенок значения некого процесса: entering -поступление

telling - дословно звучало бы как "рассказывание" He insisted on my telling him the truth.  но правильно перевести Он настоял на том, чтобы я сказал ему правду.

Т.е. герундий не всегда можно перевести одним словом.

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