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Переведите! не по переводчику! when i'm at the zoo, what do i see? lots of funny animals looking at me. i see a tall giraffe, eating from the tree. i see a silly monkey, laughing at me. i see clever dolphin, swimming in the sea. i see little seal, clapping one, two, three! i see a lazy lizard, sitting in the sun. i see a big whale, having lots of fun. i see a baby hippo, learning how to run. and a crocodile, crying on its own!

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Когда я в зоопарке, что я вижу? много забавных животных смотрят на меня. я вижу высокого жирафа, едят из дерева. я вижу глупую обезьяну, смеясь надо мной. я вижу умного дельфина, который купается в море. я вижу маленького тюленя, хлопая один, два, три! я вижу ленивую ящерицу, сидя на солнце. я вижу большого кита, который веселится. я вижу ребенка бегемота, который учится бегать. и крокодил, плачет по себе!

my winter holiday was great! we celebrated new year. i celebrated with my family and then with my friends. it was fun. i like this holiday. every day i got up late. then i played computer games or communicated with my friends on the internet. one day we went to the cinema. we saw a horror film. i went with my friends and it was fun.  i liked it.  when the weather was nice we went for a walk or skied or skated. we made a snowman, sledded and played at snowballs. in the evening i read a book or watch tv or played chess with my best friend. i liked my holiday. i gathered strength and had good time.

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