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Задай вопрос из школьного предмета 5-9 язык 12+6 б кто знает составить несколько предложений о своем наряде,например я хочу одеть шелковый свитер под него рубашку и однотоную юбку в горошек лучше,чтобы было больше прилогательных.

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Today i wore a cotton blouse and leather skirt and cute, red, wool socks with deer. i tend to wear silk sweater under a plaid shirt and a polka-dot skirt.

1. she said that it looked like lizard skin, but it seemed to be from a warm-blooded animal, perhaps a bird. she added that they didn't understand what it was. 

2. malcolm said that he didn't think so.

3. i said that picture of velema valento was really mine and i would like to keep it.

4. he said that he had come to ask me about a five-pound note which i had paid into my bank the day before.

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