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Дополнить текст., ! заранее, огромное )) dear colin, thanks for your letter.it was nice to hear your news.actually,i,ve got some news ,too.do you remember the old factory near my house? well,the council is turning it into a park. they started months ago,now the work is almost there are still a few things to i hope you can come and visit me soon,so we can play in the new park.i know you*ll really like it.well,that*s all my news.write back soon. best wishes, james

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Dear colin,thanks for your letter.it was nice to hear your news.actually,i,ve got some news ,too.do you remember the old factory near my house? well,the council is turning it into a park.they started months ago,now the work is almost finished.they started to demolish it because it pollutes the air and a bad influence on the ecology of the city there are still a few things to do.it remains to plant trees and put benches and a lovely park is ready. all residents are helping workers who bring the seedlings, flower seeds. i am very happy about it! i hope you can come and visit me soon,so we can play in the new park.i know you i really like it.well,thats all my news.write back soon.best wishes,james.

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