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Переведите на язык: завтра брат купит много хлопушек.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Прости но я незнаю я плохо знаю язык

Tomorrow's brothers buys a lot of crackers

1)complete each sentence with one word. i think that was a great movie. i with you. it was the best! the biggest animal in the world is the blue  whale . after ten minutes i gave up trying to open the door and left.  once  upon a time, there lived an old old king. we crossed the river by walking across the old bridge.  2)сomplete each sentence with one word or short phrase. in the story the sun is stronger than the wind. i have fair hair, but my cousin has the fairest hair in the family.  do you think i should cut my hair so that it is shorter  than it is now? liz isnt as tall as  her brother - he is much taller. he has got blue eyes and she has got brown eyes, but they have both got fair hair.

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