Choose the right variant 1. the car … last week. a. is repaired b. was repaired c. repaired 2. the local bank … this morning. a. robbed b. was rob c. was robbed 3. hamlet was written … shakespeare. a. with b. from c. by64 4. the door was locked by me … a key. a. with b. by c. – 5. london … by the romans more than 20 centuries ago. a. was found b. was founded c. was based 6. i was bitten … a huge dog yesterday. a. with b. by c. – 7. bad weather … our flight yesterday. a. was delayed b. delayed c. delay 8. four people … in the accident last night. a. was injured b. are injured c. were injured 9. much of the city was destroyed by an earthqake. a. небольшая часть города была разрушена землетрясением. b. большая часть города была разрушена землетрясением. c. большая часть города была разрушена . 10. he was much talked about. a. он много говорил. в. о нем много говорили. с. о нем никогда не говорилось.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.b 2.c 3.c 4. a 5.b 6. b 7.b 8. c 9. b 10.b

nowadays football is the most popular sport in the world. people from many countries become fans and   addicted to this kind of sport.

  of course there are too much school fans. pupils (boys)   like to play in football. because it`s exciting, interesting and  breathtakingly. and of course   football is such kind of sport where you have to run, jump and hit. these moves make you keep fit. you are getting shapely and healthy.

  and there is one more reason why boys like so much football: team. all of the people like to be in company or team of friends. it`s interesting. 

  thanks to football you can become successful , sociable and brave. 

  that`s why in schools football takes advantage.

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