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(вставьте слова fill in a/an, the or -. 1 there is table is the dining room. table is brown 2 there`s florist`s in my neighbourhood. florist`s is nextto a baker`s. 3 have you got washing machine? 4 their house is in moscow. 5 view from my balcony is great! 6 my house is next to baker`s. 7 this desk is greet. 8 jason has got big room. 9 carpet i my room is red. 10 there`s vase on table. vase is gree.

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1)a 2)the 3)a 4)the 5)a 6)- 7)a 8)- 9)the 10)- 11)- 12)a 13)the 14)a 15)a 16)the

Athe a the a -- a - the - - a the a, a the









in the summer in our region warmly and hot. the whole day shines the sun. in the fall it is damp and damp. often there are rains. in the winter very cold. on the street it is snowing. spring warm. at this time the nature comes to life.                                                                         летом в нашем регионе тепло и жарко.целый день светит солнце. осенью влажно и сыро.часто идут дожди. зимой холодно.на улице идет снег.весна теплая.в это время года природа оживает .







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