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Выберите нужную форму глагола в настоящем простом или в настоящем продолженном времени: 1. our manager …………. in the office all day. a) stay b) stays c) is staying 2. as a rule i ………… customers in the evening. a) meet b) meets c) am meeting 3. we usually ………… … our work at 6. a) finishes b) finish c) are finishing 4. he often ………… to london. a) go b) goes c) is going 5. they ………….. customers in different cities. a) have got b) has got c) are having 6. we don’t ………. out at weekends. a) goes b) go c) are going 7. after lunch the secretary …………. letters to different companies. a) write b) is writing c) writes 8. i ……….. my chief tomorrow. a) meet b) am meeting c) meets 9. my boss ……………. with your enquiry now but you won’t get a rapid answer. a) is dealing b) deals c) deal 10. the office ………… at 6 p.m. on weekdays. a) is closing b) closes c) close 11. i sometimes …………… at home because i have a computer. a) work b) works c) am working 12. he usually ………….. financial control over these projects. a) take b) takes c) is taking 13. now he ……………… in libya on a fixed-term contract.a) is working b) works c) work 14. i ……………. can you tell rosemary i’ll see her tomorrow? a) am leaving b) leave c) leaves 15. his company ……………… profit every year but it isn’t very big. a) is making b) make c) makes 16.nowadays consumers in the industrialized world ……………….. increasingly concerned with healthy living. a) are becoming b) becomes c) become 17. it’s not an expensive hotel. it ……………….. much to stay there. a) doesn’t cost b) don’t cost c) isn’t costing 18. she’s got a new job so she ………………….the firm in october. a) is leaving b) leaves c) leave 19. our company …………………. in high quality coffee. a) is specializing b) specializes c) specialize 20. ‘can i speak to john? ’ – ‘sorry, he’s out. no, hold on, he ………………… down the corridor’. a) come b) comes c) is coming

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Ответы на вопрос:

1- с 2 - a 3 - b 4 -  b 5  - a 6 - b 7 - c 8 - b 9 - a 10 - b 11 - a 12 - b 13 - a 14 - a 15 - c 16 - a 17 - b 18 - a 19 - b 20 - c

Джоанна спири: швейцарский писатель родился: 12 июня 1827 года, в швейцарии. детство проживало в альпах джод: писатель стал знаменитым книгой, посвященной детям, самой известной книгой хайди 39 3 1872, переведенной на язык, популярной в семье gteat britain : мужа и сын диад 1901, швейцария ohanna spyri: a swiss writer born: 12 ещё

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