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10 предлож past simpl и 10 предлож present perfect

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Present simple: 1.i usually  do my homework   after school.  2. tom always eat breakfast.  3. yesterday he didn't eat lance because he got up late.  4. my brother always takes a bus to get to work. 5. do you always get up at seven o'clock? 6. in yakutsk it's very cold and sunny. 7. computer are useful for learn anything.  8. every morning i get up at 11 o'clock. 9. every years we celebrate christmas.  10. every day i see you. present perfect: 1. the pupils have written a dictation. 2. my friend has helped me to solve a difficult. 3. good manners have gone out of fashion. 4. we have drunk water. 5. you have put the dishes on the table. 6. he has brought them some meat and vegetables.  7. she has taken the dirty plates from the tables. 8. she has opened a bo of chocolate. 9. i have translated a difficult article from german into russia.  10. she has told the truth. 

There are some traditions concerning food. english cuisine - a thorough, simple and nutritious. the british prefer a hearty breakfast. it may consist of oatmeal, scrambled eggs with bacon, fried fish, toast and jam, tea or coffee. toasts they prefer cold. as a rule, the same breakfast every day. tea - an integral part of british life, like potatoes or bread. there is even a saying: "seven cups of tea can help to wake up, nine cups to help fall asleep."  day meal is called lunch. on weekdays, it can be fed meat stew, fried fish, chops, liver, sausages, vegetables. rice and pasta british eat rarely. for dessert, apple pie served hot or milk pudding. sunday lunch - a special event. he served on beef tenderloin or lamb with vegetables and then - big pudding with custard. from 4 to 6 pm - the tea party, which is called the "5 o'clock". at this time, drinking tea with pastries or small sandwiches. in a sense, it is a ritual. for tea party postponed all other things. dinner (usually after 6 pm) in many ways is similar to lunch, and in many families this is the last meal of the day. sometimes it may be followed for "supper" - usually it is the cocoa with a light meal of bread and cheese.

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