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Составить предложения из слов. 1. yesterday, we, at the theatre, were, evening. 2. was, in town, two days ago, mark. 3. twenty minutes, the girls, at the, were, ago, skating rink. 4. a good student, fred, many, was, yeare ago. 5. at school, she, yesterday,was, morning.

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1. we were at the theatre yesterday evening. 2. mark was in town two days ago. 3. the girls were at the skating rink twenty minutes ago. 4. fred was a good student many years ago. 5. she was at school yesterday morning.

Present simple. употребляем, когда говорим о действии в общем, не уточняя времени и т.д. также употребляем, когда действие происходит регулярно. употребляем с   he, she, it = does. с остальными: do i play computer games every day. does she go shopping every week? past simple. когда мы вспоминаем что-то. то есть, когда действие произошло в прошлом. на это указывают: last year\month\week, yesterday, in 1990 и т.д глагол: did did she go to the pakr last week? i played football two days ago future. когда мы говорим о будущих действиях. тоже указывают на это наречия: tomorrow, next week, next year глагол: will i will buy a new phone tomoorrow. will you go to the cinema next week? present cont. когда действие происходит уже, сейчас. образуется: am/is/are + глагол с окончанием ing. i'm reading now. are you listening to me? present perfect. когда действие произошло в прошлом, а сейчас мы можем показать результат. образуется: have+ глагол в третьей форме. look, i've read that book. have you wrote you homework?

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