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(1оо )задайте 4-5 общих вопросов к предложениям: 1)jane lives abroad with her family. 2)they get up eatly every day 3)the uk consists of england,scotland,wales and northernland

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Общие 1)does jane live abroad with her family? 2)do they get up early every day? 3)does the uk consist of england,scotland,wales and northern ireland? специальные 1)where does jane live with her family? 2)when do they get up early? 3) how many countries does the uk consist of? разделительные 1)jane lives abroad with her family,doesn't she? 2)they get up early every day,don't they? 3)the uk consists of england,scotland,wales and northern ireland,doesn't it? альтернативные 1) does jane live abroad with her family or her friends? 2)do they get up early or late every day ? 3)does the uk or the usa consist of england,scotland,wales and northern ireland? вопросительно-отрицательные 1)doesn't jane live abroad with her family? 2)don't they get up early every day? 3)doesn't the uk consist of england,scotland,wales and northern ireland? вопросы к подлежащему 1). who lives abroad with her family? 2) who gets up early every day? 3) what country consists of england,scotland,wales and northern ireland?

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