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We are going to egypt next week сочинение

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If someone told me that holidays can be bad, i wouldn’t have believed. since i’ve experienced it myself, i know they can. each year we go somewhere hot for a week or two. my mum thinks that seaside is the necessary component for a good family holiday. that’s why we choose to visit southern regions or countries. last year we went to egypt. in the description for the hotel i read that this place is the best for snorkeling. we were excited to see the colorful and bright underwater world. none of the travel agents told us about the danger that some red sea representatives can cause. the first day when we went to the seaside i’ve noticed that everyone was wearing some weird rubber shoes. despite the fact that one of the guests warned us to wear the same footwear, me and my dad fearlessly went to swim. imagine my reaction when i heard my father scream and call for help. what happened is that he stepped on a sea urchin, which is believed to be dangerous. the rescue team was rather quick. they carried my father to the first aid station, where doctors applied some medicine to his wound. that day he even had fever. fortunately, he foot got better, but we then learned that there are lots of sea creatures in the red sea that can be rather dangerous and even deadly. so, that’s why it’s safer to wear rubber shoes. other than that, during this holiday i got some food poisoning. we were offered to try one fruit with peculiar smell, which later caused me nausea. after that i’m rather careful with new and unknown products. of course, there were some memorable and funny moments of our stay, but on the whole it was a bad holiday.

The ideal school is the dream of every student.  i wish that the lessons start a bit later , because it is  still dark in the morning especially  in winter and i want to sleep all the time .  of course it would be great if we were allowed to choose subjects which we  should learn. well, i do not like physics and chemistry! but i love history and literature and i am fond of english!     suppose that every day we would have only our favorite lessons.  and, of course, we would like to choose our  teachers. and not because of some of them are good and others are angry. not in this case. i want to study from experienced, competent and those teachers who  love their job and us such  harmful and naughty, but we're so bad.  ideal school is a school where  there are classes  you don't want to miss,   and when  during the holidays you miss you classmates and teachers  and you want to run there every  morning! идеальная школа - это мечта любого ученика.хочется, чтобы уроки начинались чуть попозже, а то утром   еще совсем темно jособенно зимой и все время хочется спать.конечно было бы здорово, если бы нам разрешили самим выбирать предметы, которые нужно изучать. ну, не люблю я и ! зато обожаю и и увлекаюсь языком. пусть бы каждый день были только любимые уроки.и, конечно, хотелось бы выбирать учителей. и не потому, что одни из них добрые, а другие злые. не в этом дело. хочется учиться у опытных, грамотных, таких, которые любят свою работу и нас, вредных и трудных, но не таких уж и плохих. идеальная школа - это школа, в которой не хочется прогулировать уроки, по которой хочется скучать во время каникул и в которую хочется бежать каждое утро!

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