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Переведите и ответьте на загадки. there was a green house. inside the green house there was a white house. inside the white house there was a red house. inside the red house there were lots of babies. what is it? you throw away the outside and cook the inside. then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. what did you eat? быстрее

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Был зелёный дом. внутри зелёного дома был белый. внутри белого дома был красный. внутри красного было много малышей. что это? watermelon. арбуз. что снаружи – выбрось прочь, а готовь то, что внутри. съешь потом то, что снаружи, выброси то, что внутри. что же тогда ты ешь? an ear of corn. кукурузный початок.

Jason: Well done for running the marathon, Steve. I’m very 1)proud__ of you!

Steve: Thanks Jason! It took me nearly 5 hours, but I feel 2)___satisfied because I managed to finish the race. And seeing all the people cheering when I crossed the finishing line brought tears to my eyes. I was really 3)moved___ . It was great to be part of such a big charity event!

Jason: It’s good to see you so 4)enthusiastic___ about it. And you raised a lot of money too.

Steve: Yes, I was 5)___amazed at how much we managed to raise! I can’t wait to run again next year!

Jason: Well you did such a good job that you 6)___inspired me to get involved next time, too.

Steve: That’s great! We can train together!

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