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Написать предложения во множественном числе. 1.this is a desk. 2.that is a chair. 3.that is my bed. 4.this is an orange. 5.that is a lamp. 6.this is his toy. 7.this is a pencil. 8.that is her book.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. these are desks. 2. those are chairs. 3. those are my beds. 4. these are oranges. 5. those are lamps. 6. these are toys. 7. these are pencils. 8. those are her books.

Begin -  began -  begun -  начинать(ся); draw - drew - drawn - рисовать; be -  was; were -  been -  быть, находиться;   become -  became -  become -  становиться;   drink -  drank -  drunk - выпивать;   see -  saw -  seen -  видеть;   burn -  burnt -  burnt  -  жечь, гореть;   eat -  ate  -  eaten  -  кушать, есть ;   read -  read -  read -  читать;   choose -  chose  -  chosen  -  выбирать ;   spend  -  spent  -  spent  -  тратить;     meet  -  met  -  met  -  встретить;   have  -  had  -  had  -  иметь;   swim  -  swam  -  swum  -  плыть;   wake  -  woke  -  woken  -  просыпаться;  

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