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Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. jason is jack's cousin. he (1)…) 15 years old. he's british, but now he (2) …) in australia with his family. they ( got) a big house near the beach. jason ( got) a lot of new friends in australia. they () very good at surfing, but jason ( be) an expert! he () volleyball – he (8) …) in the school team. he (9) … play) football in australia, but he still ( (love) arsenal!

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Ответы на вопрос:

1- he is 2-lives 5-the are 6-is not 9-doesnt plays 10-loves

1) the light is turned on when it's dark. 2) their translation was finished in time. 3) the dishes were washed by helen. 4) her younger brother is often taken for a wolk. 5) some coffee has been made by mother. 6) have your dress been ironed yet? 7) this word was mispronounced by nina. 8) the truth has been told her. 9) an interesting entertainment was promised us. 10) chalk is used for writing on the blackboard. 11) my work shall be finished about seven o'clock. 12) the door has been opened by somebody. 13) the coffee was brought in by the waitress. 14) i was taken to the cinema last week by one of my friends. 15) this work shall be finished in time by us. 16) this house was built in 1960 by them. 17) new children's books

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