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Open the brackets and complete the sentences using past simple, past continuous or past perfect. 1. our teacher explained to us that americans (wrote/had written) their constitution 200 years before and it (worked/was working) still. 2. i was not sure that in the usa the judges (worked/had worked) in the supreme court as long as they (lived/were living). 3. when my brother (came/was coming), i just (finished/had finished) reading the documents. 4. william (signed/had signed) all the papers by 6 o'clock, 5. the conference (began/had begun) before james (arrived/had arrived).

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.had written   worked

2.worked were living 

3. came   had finished

4. had signed

5. had begun     arrived 

See - saw - seen watch - watched - watched eat - ate - eaten drink - drank - drunk

Популярно: Английский язык