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3. измините глагол в предложении в зависимости от обстоятельств времени. переведите их на язык. the letters are ansuwered every day (right now, already, yesterday, when he came, before he came, tomorrow). 4. выбирите эквивалент подчеркнутого модального глагола. укажите букву. 1) мой брат может бегать быстро. а - could run b - will be able to run c - can run 2) она могла ответить на вопросы. a - can answer b - will be able to answer c - could answer 3) он сможет принимать участие в соревнованиях. a - will be able to take part b - could take part c - can take part 4) мы должны пойти на тренировку. a - hat to go b - must go c - will be to go 5) она должна была приехать сюда следующей весной. a - must come b - will have to come c - was to come 6) вы должны будете ждать долго. a - will have to wait b - are to wait c - were to wait 7) можно оставить ребенка с ней? a - can i leave b - may i leave c - could use 8) ей можно было пользоваться телефоном. a - may use b - might use c - could use

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1.на письма отвечают каждый день, когда они приходят.

(when they came)











I saw a girl who was riding a bike.

He ate a cake which was cooked by his mum.

She turned in her homework which was done at the last minute.

A new road is being built that leads to the airport.

They are writing a new story which takes place in the future.

He found his watch that was lost two years ago.

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