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Переведите на . 1. он поднял голову от чашки с кофе, который все еще помешивал, но не пил. 2. она видела по их мокрым костюмам, что они только что плавали. 3. люди, которых она встречала, казалось, знали, где она была и что она там делала. 4. когда он вернулся, мы постарались сделать вид, что говорили не о нем. 5. макс взял книгу, которую читал перед этим, и сделал там пометку. 6. я сидел на кухне и пил чай. анна, которая читала в гостиной, пришла посмотреть, что я делаю, и сообщить, что она купила на рынке. 7. она жила в этом маленьком городке с самого детства, а затем поехала учиться в москву. 8. они чувствовали себя уставшими, так как не спали уже два дня.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. he lifted his head from the cup of coffee that was still stirring, but did not drink. 2. she saw their wet suits, they just swim. 3. the people she met seemed to know where she was and what she was doing there. 4. when he came back, we tried to pretend that not talking about it. 5. max took the book he was reading before that, and have made there mark. 6. i sat in the kitchen and drank tea. anna, who was reading in the living room, came to see what i am doing and to announce that she bought in the market. 7. she lived in this small town since childhood and then went to study in moscow. 8. they were made to feel very tired as not slept for two days.

Pushkin is a great russian writer, dramatist, essayist and critic. his works are widely known throughout the world. the love of his mother tongue was developed by his grandmother, mary a. hannibal. she good to say and write in russian. it is also a great influence on pushkin had his nanny arina. some of his works he dedicated to her.in his short life the poet wrote a lot of interesting and great works. he died from wounds received in a duel. and i'm sure, if it were not for his death, the world would see a lot more great poems.pushkin wrote such works as: evginy onegin, ruslan and lyudmila, the tale of tsar saltan, the tale of the fisherman and the fish, aleko, the captain's daughter, blizzard and so on.

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