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Переведите предложения с языка на - ский, затем преобразуйте их в отрицательные и вопро- сительные. 1) как правило, мой брат приходит домой поздно. 2) мы окончим институт через четыре года. 3) они получили много подарков на прошлое рождест- во. 4) нелли смотрит телевизор сейчас. 5) его дядя уже просмотрел газету. 6) они никогда не видели снег.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1my brother usually comes home late. usually  my brother doesn't come home late. does my brother usually come home late? 2 we will graduate from university in 4 years. we won't graduate from university in 4 years. shall we graduate from university in 4 years? 3 last christmas we got many presents. last christmas we didn't get many presents. did we get  many presents last christmas? 4 nelly is watching tv now. nelly isn't watching tv now. is nelly watching tv now? 5 his uncle has already looked through the newspaper. his uncle hasn't looked through the newspaper yet. has his uncle already looked through the newspaper? 6 they have never seen snow. they haven't seen snow ever. have they ever seen snow?

1. are john's parents going to drive to school? yes, they are 2. is aman going to use the computer? yes, he is3.are we going to buy a new car? yes, we are4. am i going to fly to almaty? yes, i am

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