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1) вчера тётя пришла к нам 2) мы их встретили в зале 3)друзья остались у нас три дня 4) они уже уехали перевести

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1)aunt went to our home yesterdat.2)we met them in the living room.3)friends stayed with us for three day.4)they have already drive gl

State of the environment influenсes our health and overall well-being. it is known  people that live near parks, forests and especcially in mountains and on ocean or seafront, feel and look better than people living in city or megapolis. health is depend on what's the air we breath in, food we eat, people we conversate and our minds,  moods and level of stress we experience. there are appearced more and more people who pay special attention on what they eat. now doctors admit that eating meat and drinking milk is very unhealthy. our organism and digestive system are not intended for this kind of meal. the most suitable meal for human is fresh fruits, berry, raw  vegetables,  greens and a few  raw nuts. the pure water, which  is infused with needs microelements and minerals, is necessary for supporting active life and constant clarification of our organism  in qualitty of from 2 to 3 litres per day.     a very good habit is going for a walk in parks or a  forest every day. there is the ionized oxygen that we breathing in during the walking. these advises  allow all parts of our body vibrate for joy and carry it to our mind and mood.

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