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7. i(to see) the manager at the meeting next week. and he give me all the information he knows. 8. next year he(to come) to paris. 9. you(to come) to our party? no, i(to work) on my report. 10. don't leave your child alone! he(to cry). 11. she(to give) me this book? no, she(to be) busy at that time. the 12. don't forget to take your umbrella. it(to rain) whole day. tomorrow? -1(to play) 13. what you(to do) at six o'clock the piano. better. 14. he(to leave) the hospital, feels our 15. we(to be busy) this evening. we(to pack) things.

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7. i(will see) the manager at the meeting next week. and he will give me all the information he knows. 8. next year he(is coming) to paris. 9. will you come to our party? no, i(will be working) on my report. 10. don't leave your child alone! he(will cry). 11. will she( give) me this book? no, she(will be) busy at that time.  12. don't forget to take your umbrella. it(will be raining) whole day tomorrow.  13. what were you( doing) at six o'clock? 14. he(will leave) the hospital if he feels better. 15. we(will be busy) this evening. we(will pack) things.

City kazakhstan - kostanay. kazakhstan city kostanay city founded by russian and ukrainian immigrants on the left bank of the tobol river in 1879 as a trading point where the annual fairs, farmers and nomadic people exchanged goods: bread, animal products. settlements overgrown with small plants with steam mills, grew around the tanneries. in 1913, a branch-troitsk kostanay city was connected with the railway, which further strengthened its role trade city. in kostanay proceeded activities of the great kazakh educator and teacher ibrai altynsarin (1841-1889 create a network of schools for the kazakhs. ibrahim altynsarin known as the author of textbooks for kazakh schools. he translated into kazakh fable krylov, stories of tolstoy. ibrahim altynbaev considered one of the founders of kazakh national literature. and in the xx century residents of kostanay region made famous by its land. the name of the hero of the great patriotic war, pavlov, to defend the city of stalingrad, will remain forever in the memory of the inhabitants of the republic. a special role takes opening iron-ore deposit in the region's development. it kostanai named, the iron content in it is 55-60%. modern kostanay - cultural center with theaters, a philharmonic society, with its palaces of culture and libraries. for tourists interested in kostanay their surrounding forests, where you can walk, picking berries, mushrooms and winter pleasure to ski.

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