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Ii. переведите предложения, обращая внимание на пе- ревод притяжательных местоимений-существительных. о б р а з е ц : your car is in the garage. а где ее? твоя (ваша) машина в гараже. where is hers? 1. his bag is on the chair. where is hers? ее (сумка) в машине. 2. this is your text-book. тот – мой. 3. my group is in room five. твоя (ваша) – в четвертой ауди- тории. 16 4. our cottage is not far from the city. их (коттедж) далеко от города. 5. my nephews are little boys. ее (племянники) – взрослые. 6. their children are in the garden. где наши? 7. his parents are old. мои – довольно молодые. 8. my test is difficult. твой – легкий. 9. her relatives are here. его – там. 10. my keys are in my bag. где твои?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Her bag is in the car this is mine your is in the   fourth their cottage is far from the city her nephews are grown up where do our? my parents are enough young your is easy his relatives are there where are your keys&

1 b

2 a

3 a

4 b

5 c

6 c

7 a

8 b

9 c

10 c

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