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1the book(writes /was written) in 1989. 2 thousands of people(visit /are visited the museum day every 3 what name(writes/ is written at the top of the page? 4 the letter(didn't send/ wasn't sent in time for the meeting 5 english and arabic(teach /are taught at our school. 6 this program(watches /is watched) by millions of people. 7 the children(told /were told) to be quiet in the library. 8 the dog(didn't take/ wasn't taken) for a walk an hour ago.

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1. the book was written in 1989. 2. thousands of people visit the museum every day 3. what name is written at the top of the page? 4. the letter wasn't sent in time for the meeting 5. english and arabic are taught at our school. 6. this program is watched by millions of people 7. the children were told to be quiet in the library. 8. the dog wasn't taken for a walk an hour ago.

Yesterday my family and me went to guests. we were there few time, then we came home. dad and my little brother wathed tv,  mom made us a dinner, and i made my homeworks. we had dinner soon, and then we began to play some games. we spent time togather very well. i slept about 3 hours to night and my family too                                   перевод: вчера мы с семьей ходили к гостям. мы были там немного времени, потом мы вернулись домой. папа и мой маленький брат смотрели телевизор, мама приготовила нам обед, и я сделал . мы скоро пообедали, а потом начали играть в некоторые игры. мы хорошо провели время. я спал около 3 часов ночи, и моя семья тоже

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