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Вставьте how many или how mach. 1) tomatoes are there? 2) milk do you want in your coffee? 3) potatoes have we got? 4) butter is there in the cake? 5) oranges are there in the basket? 6) sugar do we need? 7) pineapples are there in the fridge?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. how many 2.how much 3. how many 4. how much 5.how many 6.how much 7.how many

1) how many tomatoes are there? 2) how much milk do you want in your coffee? 3) how many potatoes have we got? 4) how much butter is there in the cake? 5) how many oranges are there in the basket? 6) how much sugar do we need? 7) how many pineapples are there in the fridge? то есть, much мы употребляем с неисчисляемым существительным, т.е. если мы не можем посчитать, сколько штук например, то употребляем much. а many, наоборот, употребляем с исчисляемым существительным, когда мы можем посчитать, сколько штук чего-

1) i saw ann yesterday.she a walkman a)was wearing b)wore c) would wear 2) he asked me where when i came to london next time a)will stay  b) would stay c)stayed 3)he said to the cinema next day a)would go b)went c)will go

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