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2.3. в десяти предложениях глагол употреблен не верно, а в двух верно. исправь ошибки, где это необходимо. 1. david never take the bus to work. 2. go you to the office every day? 3. my car don't work when it is cold. 4. what time the film starts? 5. ben's sister don't speak french but ben do. 6. how many eggs you want for breakfast? 7. does the 9.30 train stop at every station? 8. what does do your father? 9. i not write many letters. i usually use the telephone. 10. what sue usually have for lunch? 11. how much do these apples cost? 12. charlie plays basketball but he doesn't enjoys it. 2.4. составьте предложения, используя слова данные в скобках. 1. (always / early / sue / arrive) sue … 2. (basketball / i / play / often) i … 3. (work / margaret / hard / usually) margaret … 4. (jenny / always / nice clothes / wear) jenny … 5. (dinner / we / have / always / at 7.30) we … 6. (television / tim / watch / never) tim … 7. (like / chocolate / children / usually) children …

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1. takes 2. do you go to 3. does not work 4. what time does the film start? 5. doesn't, does 6. do you want 7.   8.what does your father do? 9. i don't write  10. what does sue usually 11.   12. he doesn't enjoy it

1)I will not play the piano next year.

2)He will not to play chess tomorrow?

3)You will not to eat apples tomorrow.

4)You will to like apples?

5)Your brother will to go the exhibit next Sunday.

6)She will to live in Kiev next year.

7)They will to give me presents on my birthday next year.

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