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Which words (a-d) can replace the words in bold? find the synonyms. i don’t want to say it, but he is really ugly. a) unattractive b) mean c) aggressive d) polite i can’t stand selfish people. a) greedy b) big-headed c) self-confident d) egoistical her jealous boyfriend doesn’t let her go out with other girls. a) sensible b) sensitive c) loving d) envious he is honest to his employees. a) kind b) fair c) straight-forward d) timid my sister is very sly. a) happy b) frank c) insidious d) skinny she is from a very rich family. a) wealthy b) big c) well-known d) famous he has a crew-cut because of his scanty hair. a) dark b) curly c) short d) thin the lake lies so remote from the immediate way to the town. a) near b) huge c) far d) cozy parents are always attentive to their children. a) demanding b) strict c) careful d) vain any horse above six years is "aged". a) old b) adolescent c) retired d) experienced

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Ответы на вопрос:

1-c 2-a 3-b 6-d 7-b (8- a или с ) 9-c 10-a 5-d

Запомните следующие словосочетания, в которых артикль не употребляется:

at school, at home, at work

Артикль не употребляется, если перед существительным стоит притяжательное или указательное местоимение, другое существительное в притяжательном падеже, количественное числительное или отрицание «nо» (не «not»).

Task 1. Вставьте артикль (a, an, the), где необходимо. Запомните словосочетания, в которых артикль н

Популярно: Английский язык