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Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень слов short, busy, well. wide, many, little, good, bad

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Ответы на вопрос:

Short - shorter - the shortest. busy - bisier - the busiest. well - better - the best. wide - wider - the widest. many - more - the most. little - less - the least. good - better - the best. bad - worse - the worst.

Short  -  shorter  -  the  shortest busy,  -  busier  -  the  busiest  well  -  better  -  the  best wide  -  wider  -  the  widest many  -  more  -  the  most little  -  less  -  the  least  bad  -  worse  -  the  worst good  -  better  -  the  best

1.would arrest (2nd cond) 2.would have bought(3rd cond) 3.will phone(1st cond) 4.had been(3rd cond) 5.won't speak(1st cond) 6.you went(2nd cond)

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