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Сочинение по мой любимый день недели !

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My favorite day of the week we divide the time into segments. we distribute it to years, months, weeks and days. it helps us to navigate in time, to determine a specific date, to plan an event. since ancient times, people began to organize the time. the first calendars appeared. and with it people gave names to months and days of the week. traditionally, we divide the week into seven days. in most cases, 5 of them are working and 2 for vacation. most people like weekends, because in these days you can have a good sleep, relax and have fun. weekdays remain for study and work. monday was always my favorite day of the week. this day is unfairly considered to be the most difficult and complex. on the contrary, i like it very much. monday is a start of a new week. this is the first day for new businesses, inventions and endeavors. there is still a whole week and you can catch a lot. the main thing is to plan your day and then monday will no longer seem so grim. on the contrary it will be a start for everything new and мы делим время на отрезки. мы распределяем его на годы, месяцы, недели и дни. это ориентироваться во времени, определять конкретную дату, планировать события. с давних времен люди стали упорядочивать время. появились первые календари. а с ними и названия для месяцев и дней недели. по традиции мы делим неделю на семь дней. в большинстве случаев 5 из них рабочие и 2 для отдыха. в основном люди любят выходные, ведь в эти дни можно как следует выспаться, отдохнуть и развлечься. будние дни остаются для учёбы и работы. для меня любимым днем всегда был понедельник. этот день совсем неоправданно считают самым тяжёлым и сложным. мне же наоборот он нравится. в понедельник начинается новая неделя. это самый первый день для новых дел, открытий и начинаний. впереди ещё целая неделя и ты можешь успеть многое. главное правильно планировать свой день, и тогда понедельник больше не будет казаться таким мрачным. наоборот он станет стартом для всего нового и интересного.

1. philipp will be 15 next wednesday. (to be)2. probably they will get a new computer. (to get)3. i think my mother will like this cd. (to like)4. paul's sister is going to have a baby. (to have)5. just a moment. i will help you with the bags. (to help)6. in 2020 people will buy more hybrid cars. (to buy)7. look at the clouds! it is going to rain soon. (to rain)8. what are your plans for the weekend? i am going to hide a treasure. (to hide)9. doris is always late. i'm sure she will be late tomorrow evening. (to be)10. would you like tea or coffee? i will have coffee. (to have)11. watch out! you are going to hurt yourself. (to hurt)12. it's starting to rain. i will put up the umbrella. (to put up)13. look! they are going to wash the car. (to wash)14. i don't think they will spend their holidays by the sea again. (to spend)15. if you don’t stop bullying her, i will tell the teacher. (to tell)

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