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Сделать тест по . важно! choose the correct item: 1) marry me that she was moving to cornwall is the following year. a) said b) told c) asked 2) if you go to the bakery, me some bread please. a) buy b) will buy c) bought 3) he to drive me into the city centre. a) agreed b)threatened c)ordered 4) the teacher told us that water at 0ºc. a) frozen b) freezes c) had frozen 5) julie going shopping at the new fairfax centre. a)demanded b)warned c)suggested 6) he said he meet me at the station and told me to take a taxi. a) shall b) should c) couldn't 7) you can barrow the car you put in some petrol before you bring it back. a) as long as b) suppose c) unless 8) victoria said that she was going to the circus the week. a) last b) that c)following 9) mike told me that he couldn't one twin from the other.they were indentical. a) tell b)say c)ask 10) my teacher told me that i stay after school as a punishment for talking in class. a) might b) had to c) needed

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) marry me that she was moving to cornwall is the following year. a) said b) told c) asked 2) if you go to the bakery, me some bread please.a) buy b) will buy c) bought 3) he to drive me into the city centre. a) agreed b)threatened c)ordered 4) the teacher told us that water at 0ºc. a) frozen b) freezes c) had frozen 5) julie going shopping at the new fairfax centre. a)demanded b)warned c)suggested 6) he said he meet me at the station and told me to take a taxi. a) shall b) should c) couldn't 7) you can barrow the car you put in some petrol before you bring it back. a) as long as b) suppose c) unless 8) victoria said that she was going to the circus the week. a) last b) that c)following 9) mike told me that he couldn't one twin from the other.they were indentical. a) tell b)say c)ask - отличить! - differ 10) my teacher told me that i stay after school as a punishment for talking in class. a) might b) had to c) needed











за 100 % точность не отвечаю : р

привет в этом году я много чему зделал.Восновнлм я занимался благотворительностью

я дал деньги в фонд приюта животных ,ведь животные тоже живые существа и они всё чевствуют.Ешё в детский до. я пожертвовал тоже деньгами ,и моими детскими игрушками надеюсь все дети найдут себе дом где будут их любить,и заботится о них.

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