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Use the simple past or the present perfect tense to fill in the blanks: 1. what ………………………………………… (you / learn) since you ……………………. (come) here? how many friends ………………………………………. (you / make)? i hope you ……………………………………… (already / meet) a lot of interesting people. 2. last night my roommate and i ……………………….. (have) some free time, so we ………………………….. (go) to a show. 3. i ………………………………….. (just / have) lunch, but i ……………………………… (not / have) lunch yesterday. 4. who …………………………………. (write) the play “hamlet”? 5. how many games …………………………………… (the team / win) so far this season? 6. i don’t know carol’s husband. i ………………………………………. (never / meet) him. 7. it ………………………………… (rain) a lot last week, but it …………………………… (not / rain) much so far this week. 8. how many letters ……………………………………….. (you / write) since the beginning of the month? 9. when we were on vacation, the weather ……………………………… (be) terrible. 10. in her whole lifetime, mary …………………………………………… (never / see) snow. 11. i don’t know where ammy is. ………………………………………….(you / see) her? 12. when i ……………………………. (get) home last night, i ……………………….. (be) very tired and i …………………………… (go) straight to bed. 13. your car looks very clean. ……………………………………. (you / wash) it? 14. george …………………………………….. (not / be) very well last week. 15. mr. clark …………………………… (work) in a bank for 15 years. then he gave it up.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. have you learned, came, have you made, have already met 2. had, went 3. have just had, didn't have 4. wrote 5. have the team won 6. have never met 7. rained, hasn't rained 8. have you written 9. was 10. has never seen 11. have you seen 12. got, was, got 13. have you washed 14. was not (wasn't) 15. has worked

1. what have you learned since you came here? how many friends did you make? i hope you have met a lot of interesting people. 2. last night my roommate and i had some free time, so we went to a show. 3. i had lunch but i didn't have lunch yesterday. 4. who have written the play "hamlet" ? 5. how many games has the team won so far this season? 6. i don't know carol's husband. i have never met him. 7. it rained a lot last week but it hasn't rained so far this week. 8. how many letters have you written since the beginning of the month? 9. when we were on vacation, the weather was terrible. 10. in her whole lifetime, mary have never seen snow. 11. i don't know where ammy is. have you seen her? 12. when i got home last night i was very tired and i went straight to bed. 13. your car looks very clean. have you washed it? 14. george wasn't very well last week. 15. mr. clark had been working in the bank for 15 years. then he gave it up.

1. yes, i do think art should be an essential part of every person's life. i bielive that art helps  you to  build a  critical thinking skills and makes you more open-minded person.  it gives you an  opportunity to learn about history  and to understand  world cultures better.  i  think  art plays a large part in making our lives  immensely  rich. it  can help you to develop  a sense of style.  it also  provide ways  for self-expression which is always good for your mental well being.  2. my favorite artist i s probably van goth. i   read his biography many years ago and i  was really touched by it.  he was so unhappy and desperate. people around were  constantly  calling him insane and have never considered that  his paintings could actually be good and  worth someting.  he was iust utterly  miserable person. but when you look at  his works, all you see are  kind and some sort of love to the world. i admire his ability to transform unbareble  pain into something so beautiful. sometimes i wonder why he did  not portray misery  in those paintings  of his, it would be so much easier for him. but he didn’t. and it really inspires me.

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