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Кто сможет? put each of the following verbs in its correct place in the sentence below. frown, peer, stare, glare, peep, gaze, wink, glimpse, glance, blink 1. that man does look rather strange but you shouldn’t … at him. 2. he made a hole in the fence so that he could … through without being seen. 3. if you go out into bright sunlight after being in the dark, you sometimes … . 4. small boys often stand outside the bicycle shop and … at the wonderful machines in the window. 5. we … if we are rather annoyed or if we are concentrating. 6. did you … someone pass the window a moment ago? i thought i just saw someone. 7. i thought he was serious until i saw him … at me to show he was joking. 8. grandfather has very bad eyes. he has to … at the newspaper to read it. 9. i saw the motorist get out of his car and … furiously at the other driver who had run into the back of him. 10. i saw him … quickly at his watch.

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1) that man does look rather strange but you shouldn’t stare at him. 2) he made a hole in the fence so that he could peep through without being seen. 3) if you go out into bright sunlight after being in the dark, you sometimes blink 4) small boys often stand outside the bicycle shop and gaze at the wonderful machines in the window. 5) we frown if we are rather annoyed or if we are concentrating. 6) did you glimpse someone pass the window a moment ago? i thought i just saw someone. 7) i thought he was serious until i saw him wink at me to show he was joking. 8) grandfather has very bad eyes. he has to peer at the newspaper to read it. 9) i saw the motorist get out of his car and glare furiously at the other driver who had run into the back of him. 10) i saw him glance quickly at his watch.

There isn’t a person in the world who hasn’t heard of titanic. it was a huge passenger liner that sank in the atlantic ocean in 1912. this tragedy happened due to the liner’s collision with an iceberg. it was one of the largest and most memorable disasters that the twentieth century brought to mankind. titanic was one of the biggest liners built at the beginning of the century by the british company “white star line”. the titanic went on his first and last voyage to america and never made it. the ship departed from southampton in the uk to new york city. at those times titanic was the largest ship afloat. it carried more than 2000 passengers plus the crew. some of the wealthiest people of the world were also on board along with hundreds of british and irish emigrants. in fact, the ship was designed to be the last word in comfort and luxury. it contained opulent cabins, high-class restaurants, libraries, a swimming-pool, on-board gymnasium and many other facilities. the only disadvantage of the ship was its lack of lifeboats. unfortunately one-third of the passengers and crew tragically drowned. only about 1500 people were saved in lifeboats. the majority of saved people were women and children. according to data the ship left southampton on april the 10th 1912 and collided with an iceberg in the late evening of on april the 15th. thus, the voyage lasted only 5 days. as the time passed the titanic has become one of the most famous ships in history. it is commemorated in numerous books, songs, exhibitions, films and memorials. one of the best films about the tragedy of titanic was released in 1997 by a famous canadian film director james cameron. the film made an instant success and is still very popular. it was nominated for “oscar” in 14 nominations and won 11 of them. нет в мире человека, который не слышал бы о титанике. это был огромный пассажирский лайнер, который затонул в атлантическом океане в 1912 году. эта трагедия произошла в результате столкновения лайнера с айсбергом. это стало одним из самых больших и запоминающихся бедствий, которые двадцатый век принес человечеству. титаник был одним из самых больших лайнеров, построенных в начале века британской компанией "уайт стар лайн". титаник отправился в свое первое и последнее путешествие в америку, так и не закончив его. корабль отправился из саутгемптона в великобритании в нью-йорк. в те времена титаник был крупнейшим кораблем на плаву. он перевозил более 2000 пассажиров, плюс экипаж. некоторые из самых богатых людей мира также были на борту вместе с сотнями британских и ирландских эмигрантов. на самом деле, корабль был разработан по последнему слову комфорта и роскоши. в нем были роскошные каюты, рестораны высокого класса, библиотеки, бассейн, бортовой тренажерный зал и прочие удобства. единственным недостатком корабля был недостаток спасательных шлюпок. к сожалению, одна треть пассажиров и трагически утонули. только около 1500 человек были спасены в спасательных шлюпках. большинство спасенных людей были женщины и дети. согласно данным, корабль покинул саутгемптон апреля 10-го апреля 1912 года и столкнулся с айсбергом поздним вечером 15-го апреля. таким образом, путешествие длилось всего 5 дней. со временем титаник стал одним из самых знаменитых кораблей в . он упоминается в многочисленных книгах, песнях, выставках, фильмах и мемориалах. один из лучших фильмов о трагедии титаника был выпущен в 1997 году известным канадским режиссером джеймсом кэмероном. фильм имел мгновенный успех и до сих пор популярен. он был номинирован на «оскар» в 14-ти номинациях и выиграл 11 из них.

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