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I've never been there, but i know a lot of interesting things about it. there's famous phone booths, beautiful places of interest (или tourist points) such as big ban, trafalgar square, the tower of london here. this country has a rich and colorful history. nowadays it is controlled by the parliament but also it has got a queen. moreover, it's famous by baker street, where my favorite detective character lived. of course, you know, what country is it : ) i hope my dream will come true and one day, i will travel in england and make new friends there. it's being said that people in england are friendly, lovely and very intelligent. я никогда не бывал там, но знаю много интересных вещей об этом месте. там есть знаменитые телефонные будки, прекрасные туристические места, такие как биг бен, трафальгарская площадь, тауэр. у этой страны богатая и яркая (красочная) . сегодня ей парламент, но у них есть и королева. также она известна (за счет) бейкер-стрит, где жил мой любимый герой-сыщик. конечно, вы знаете, что это за страна. я надеюсь, мои мечты сбудутся, и однажды я посещу и заведу там новых друзей. говорят, там дружелюбные, милые и интеллигентные (образованные, воспитанные) люди.

Qatar is the country of oil and natural gas. qatarhas second place of countyes with the most backs natural gas after russia. qatar is the hot country. now there is 25 degrees. education in qatar is not the same, students are going at school at 7: 15, and they have maximum 3 brakes, and they lessons finishing at 13: 45. they have 3 schools, one for registreation, one for year 1-(untill)6. after they have school which more bigger. and i like this education, as on lessons they can speak and play basketball on brakes or football. i think qatar is fantastic country.

2did they drink soda? no they didn't3 did they eat popcorn? no they didn't 4 did the film finish at 10 pm? yes it did

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