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2класса. по этой : «put the verbs into the correct from.1 he loves children .( 2. animals.(help).3. to be dostor.(want).4.(play). at ckool.(work).6. ice-cream.(love)» ищут:

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Ответы на вопрос:

2help 3 want 4 play 5 works 6 love

1. one hundred years ago women spent a lot of time preparingclothes for the whole family. 2. in the picture you can see a narrowwinding river running through the fields. 3. look at these lovely salad bowl i have just bought. 4. "hello, would you like to comein? " he said smiling cheerfully at us. 5. the smiths are at home: there's light in their windows. 6. if you want to open the door,push it and if you want to close the door, pull it.7. are you hungry? i'll be happy to share .these cheese sandwiches with you. 8. we quarrelled yesterday and i regret a lot ofthings that i said. 9. good basketball players know how to dribblethe ball. 10. some people on our planet still struggle for their independence. 11. кnock a little louder, the door is thick and i don'tthink they can hear you. 12. how many сandles are you going tohave on your birthday cake this year? 13. my home is ratherсlose to the new shop. 14. i'm going to leave as soon as i can.this is my final decision.

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