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Часть 1. i. перепишите следующие предложения. определите по грамматическим признакам, какой частью речи являются слова, оформленные окончанием -s, и какую функцию это окон- чание выполняет, т.е. служит ли оно: а) показателем 3-го лица единственного числа глагола в present indefinite; б) признаком множественного числа имени существительного; в) показателем притяжательного падежа имени существительного. переведите предложения на язык. 1. he discusses a lot of questions at the office.2. these airplanes cross the atlantic in about 10 hours. 3. my brother’s friends passed all examinations well. 4. these students attended lectures yesterday. ii. запишите данные предложения: а) в прошедшем времени (past indefinite); б) в будущем времени (future indefinite). 1. they have a big house in the country. 2. these students have five examinations. 3. the child is 10 years old. 4. the workers are at the factory. iii. перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них глагол-сказуемое и определите его видовременную форму. переведите предложения на язык. 1. they have just seen the accident in the street. 2. they will have completed the experiment by the end of the year. 3. now they are organizing another kind of work at their laboratory. 4. yesterday at the meeting this man was sitting next to me. 5. the first underground travel in the world took place in 1863 in london. 6. at the end of may the students will be preparing for their examinations. iv. поставьте вопросы к данным предложениям, начиная с вопросительного слова в скоб- ках. 1. he failed in chemistry, because he was not ready for it. (why) 2. these schoolchildren will leave school next year. (when) 3. the writer wrote a new book about his travelling to the north. (who) 4. they are discussing the plans of the next year. (what) 5. they have just furnished their new flat. (who) v. употребите глагол-сказуемое в следующем предложении в соответствующем времени, добавив необходимые обстоятельства времени (yesterday; next week; now; all the day yesterday; since; when i came; tomorrow by 5 o’clock). переведите предложения. they translate articles at the office. vi. перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них модальный гла- гол или его эквивалент и определите его видовременную форму. переведите предложения на язык. 1. a computer should solve complicated problems many millions of times faster than a mathematician. 2. to measure the vast distances between different planets scientists have to use special instruments. 3. he could do this work immediately. 4. they may continue the experiment. 5. the laboratory will have to make important scientific experiments

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Ответы на вопрос:

часть 1.


1. he discusses (показатель 3-го лица единственного числа глагола в present indefinite)  a lot of questions (признак множественного числа имени существительного) at the office.

1.он обсуждает много вопросов в офисе.

2. these airplanes (признак множественного числа имени существительного) cross the atlantic in about 10 hours (признак множественного числа имени существительного).

2.  эти самолеты пересекают атлантический океан за приблизительно  10 часов.

3. my brother’s (показатель притяжательного падежа имени существительного) friends (признак множественного числа имени существительного) passed all examinations (признак множественного числа имени существительного) well.

3.  друзья моего брата сдали (пршли)  все экзамены.

4. these students (признак множественного числа имени существительного) attended lectures (признак множественного числа имени существительного) yesterday.

4.  эти студенты  вчера  присутствовали на лекции.


1. they have a big house in the country.

  they had a big house in the country.

they will have a big house in the country.

  2. these students have five examinations.

these students had five examinations.

these students will have five examinations.

3. the child is 10 years old.

the child was 10 years old.

the child will be 10 years old.

4. the workers are at the factory.

the workers were at the factory.

the workers will be at the factory.



1. they have just seen (the present perfect) the accident in the street.

1. они только что увидели аварию на улице.

2. they will have completed (the future perfect) the experiment by the end of the year.

2. они закончат эксперимент к концу этого года.

3. now they are organizing (the present continuous) another kind of work at their laboratory.

3. сейчас они организуют еще один вид работы в их лаборатории.

4. yesterday at the meeting this man was sitting (the past continuous) next to me.

4. вчера на встрече этот человек сидел рядом со мной.

5. the first underground travel in the world took (the past indefinite) place in 1863 in london.

5. первое подземное путешествие в мире состоялась в 1863 году в лондоне.

6. at the end of may the students will be preparing (the future continuous) for their examinations.

6. в конце мая студенты будут готовиться к своим экзаменам.



1. he failed in chemistry, because he was not ready for it. (why)

why did he fall in chemistry, because he was not ready for it?

2. these schoolchildren will leave school next year. (when)

when will these schoolchildren leave school next year?

3. the writer wrote a new book about his travelling to the north. (who)

who wrote a new book about his travelling to the north?

4. they are discussing the plans of the next year. (what)

what are they discussing?

5. they have just furnished their new flat. (who)

who has just furnished the new flat?



1. they translated articles at the office yesterday.

2. they will translate articles at the office next week.

3. they are translating articles at the office now.

4. they have been translating articles at the office all the day.

5. they translated articles at the office yesterday.

6. they have been translating articles at the office since monday.

7. they were translating articles at the office when i came.

8. they will have translated articles at the office tomorrow by 5 o’clock?


  1. a computer should (the present indefinite) solve complicated problems many millions of times faster than a mathematician.

1. компьютер должен решать сложные проблемы во много миллионов раз быстрее, чем .

2. to measure the vast distances between different planets scientists have to (the present indefinite) use special instruments.

2. (для того) чтобы измерить огромные расстояния между различными планетами ученые должны использовать специальные инструменты.

3. he could (the past indefinite) do this work immediately.

3. он мог немедленно сделать эту работу.

4. they may (the present indefinite) continue the experiment.

4. они могут (им  позволяют) продолжить этот эксперимент.

5. the laboratory will have to (the future indefinite) make important scientific experiments.

5. лаборатории предстоит произвести (придется произвести) важные научные эксперименты.

1. yes, playong sports is very funny i think

2. snowboarding, skiing, sledding, snowmobiling, ice skating

3. no, i can't

4. yes, i started learn to skate when i was seven

5. swimming, football, serfing, volleyball

6. mostly i like summer sports, so usually i play games outdoors

7. no, necause i'm very lazy person

8. yes, he does

9. skating

10. no, she prefer to skating on the square

11. onse a week

12.she doesn't prefer to go to stadium

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