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Составить отрицальную и вопросительную форму future indefinite 1. tomorrow they will meet him at the station. 2. i shall read this article tomorrow. 3. my brother will leave this town in a week. 4. in a month this book will be more expensive. 5. he will play football in an hour. 6. next month we shall buy a fridge 7. she will write a letter next week. 8. i shan't see him tomor- row. 9. in an hour he will not translate the text. 10. they will not come to us next year

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Сначала идёт оригинальное предложение, потом вопросительная форма, потом отрицательная.1. tomorrow they will meet him at the station.will  they  meet him at the station  tomorrow? they won't meet him at the station tomorrow. 2.  i shall read this article tomorrow. shall i read this article tomorrow? i shan't read this article tomorrow. 3. my brother will leave this town in a week.will my brother leave this town in a week? my brother won't leave this town in a week. 4. in a month this book will be more expensive. will  this book be more expensive  in a month? in a month this book won't  be more expensive.  5. he will play football in an hour. will he play football in an hour? he won't play football in an hour. 6. next month we shall buy a fridge.shall  we buy a fridge  next month? next month we shan't buy a fridge. 7. she will write a letter next week. will she write a letter next week? she won't write a letter next week. 8. i shan't see him tomorrow. - это уже отрицательная форма  shall  i  see him tomorrow? на всякий случай утвердительную форму держи:   i shall see him tomorrow. 9. in an hour he will not translate the text.  - это уже отрицательная форма[2] will  he  translate the text  in an hour? утвердительная форма: in an hour he will translate the text. 10. they will not come to us next year.  - это уже отрицательная форма[3] will they  come to us next year? утвердительная форма: they will come to us next year.

1)we come home at 2 o'clock on wednesday. do you come home at 2 o'clock on wednesday? (   общий вопрос)who comes home at 2 o'clock on wednesday? ( вопрос к подлежащему)when do you come home on wednesday? ( специальный вопрос)do you come home at 2 o'clock on wednesday or on thursday? ( альтернативный вопрос)we come home at 2 o'clock on wednesday,do not we? ( разделительный вопрос) 2)she wasn't at school   yesterday. wasn't she at school yesterday? (   общий вопрос)who wasn't at school yesterday? (вопрос к подлежащему)where wasn't she yesterday? ( специальный вопрос)wasn't she at school or at home yesterday? (альтернативный вопрос) she wasn't at school yesterday,was she? ( разделительный вопрос) 3)my friend and i are going for a walk at the moment. are you and your friend going for a walk at the moment? (   общий вопрос)who is going for a walk at the moment? ( вопрос к подлежащему) where are you and your friend going at the moment? ( специальный вопрос)are you and your friend or your sister going for a walk at the moment? ( альтернативный вопрос) my friend and i are going for a walk at the moment,aren't we? ( разделительный вопрос) 4)he will go to the country next summer. will he go to the country next summer? (   общий вопрос)who will go to the country next summer? ( вопрос к  подлежащему) when will he go to the country? ( специальный вопрос)will he go to the country next summer or next sunday? ( альтернативный вопрос) he will go to the country next summer,won't he? ( разделительный вопрос)

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