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He (open) the door. 2. the letter ( write) by me. 3. your mum (pick ) you up from school every day? 4. the thief (catch) by the police officer? 5. soy (grow) by farmers in argentina. 6. america (not discover) by columbus in 1491. 7. my uncle (sell) the bicycle when he was young. 8. all the plates in the cupboard (break) by the child.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. opened 2. written 3. picks 4. caught 5. grown 6. is not discovered 7. sold 8. are broken


пустыня, гора , море. тут одну выбрать надо? или про все рассказать? тоесть пересказать

Популярно: Английский язык