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Transform from active into passive 1) they put up with some problems. 2) they have carried out their work recently. their managers talked a lot about the outcome. 3) the strong wind blew our tent down yesterday night. 4) they will deal with the matter as soon as possible. 5) they accounted for the money. 6) at last the delegates arrived at a decision. 7) one never approves of silly people. 8) the thieves broke into the house of a rich man the other day. 9) the newspaper reporters have commented widely on the ex–president’s speech . 10) they insisted on the interview with a famous singer. 11) does anybody object to my proposal? 12) they have knocked down the old building to give way to a new road. 13) she doesn’t like when somebody interferes in her private affairs. 14) they are always finding fault with ann.

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Превратится из активного в пассивный 1) они мириться с некоторыми проблемами. 2) они провели в последнее время их работы. их руководители много говорили о результатах. 3) дул сильный ветер нашей палатке вчера вечером. 4) они будут иметь дело как можно скорее с вопросом. 5) они составляли деньги. 6) наконец делегаты приняли решение. 7) никто не одобряет глупые люди. 8) воры проникли в дом богатого человека. 9) газета журналисты широко прокомментировал экс–президента речь . 10) они настаивали на интервью с известным певцом. 11) никто не возражает против моего предложения? 12) они снесли старое здание, чтобы уступить место новой дороги. 13) она не любит, когда кто-то вмешивается в ее личные дела. 14) они всегда придирается энн.

We went to the museum of minerals with my classmates. we had our own guide who told us about various minerals. they were shining very brightly they were all different colors. also, i really liked how the guide told about each mineral. i'm interested in them because they are very beautiful i found out about the fact that several of them were found in our city yaroslavl. it was very interesting to watch how each minerals shimmered. also at the end of the excursion we could take pictures with these minerals. i really like the tour, i learned a lot about minerals.

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