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Написать 8 - 9 предложений о раждественсой ночи. на ангизком

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Christmas comes to every home merry christmas carols and anxious expectation of a miracle. because each of us is waiting for the fairy magic of the mysterious birth of all time – the birth of baby jesus. how happy the children pass from house to house prophetic lines of christmas carols and receiving generous hospitality from the happy and hospitable hosts. children gather in small groups and scatter to all parts of the city in winter, in order not to miss anything and not to deprive the good news. in the frosty air of tangerine and caramel aromas, interwoven with a thick and fragrant scent of poppy cakes.

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Task 16. Use “something”, “anything”, “nothing”, “somebody”, “anybody”, “nobody”.

1. I want to tell you anything interesting.

2. It’s so dark in the room. I can’t see nothing.

3. When I opened the box, I saw that it was empty. There was nothing inside.

4. We had nothing to eat the whole day, soI’m hungry.

5. Look! The house is very quiet. I think anybody lives there.

6. The excursion was very dull, we didn’t see nothing interesting.

7. Do you know anybody in this village?

8. There is nothing in the fridge. Go and buy anything for dinner.

Task 17. Make up sentences according to the examples given below.

Example 1: There is little snow here in winter. There is much water in the pond.

Example 2: There are many wolves in the pack. There are few birds in the cage.

A. There is little (much):

much grass on the ground, much rain in autumn, little food in the bag, little furniture in the room, little money in the desk, little butter in the fridge, much salt in the sea, little sugar in the tea, much information in the catalogue.

B. There are few (many):

few eggs in the fridge, many winds in winter, few berries in the orchard, few  vegetables on the table, many trees in this forest, many chickens on the farm, many people in the yard, many rocks on the Moon, many spots on the Sun.​

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